Frequently Asked Questions

The Ecosystem

What is the HealthCubed Ecosystem?

The HealthCubed ecosystem consists of the following three integral parts.

  • The Hub- A portable battery-operated instrument that can acquire multiple health parameters through the performance of diagnostic tests on an individual
  • A mobile device application to control the operations of the Hub, visualize the results and communicate the results to a secure web-based data repository
  • HC Data Doc- Data visualization and analysis tool on a dedicated secure portal for remote monitoring and electronic records review

Will HealthCubed train the users to learn how to use the instrument?

Yes, post sale of the devices, HC will provide training to the users and operators and also provide a training certificate for the same.

Do I need any prior knowledge or skills to be able to use HealthCube?

Yes, it is a professional use device and only trained personnel are authorized to use the devices. The device can be operated by qualified & trained personnel like lab technician, nurse, doctors and healthcare workers. They must be trained and certified before they start using the device. Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery(ANM) and General Nursing and Midwifery(GNM) are also eligible.

Can I print reports generated by HealthCube?

Yes, you may connect a printer to the android device and take prints as you may like. There are also options to share the reports with patients and doctors over email and any ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Tools.

How can I get the records of all the tests I have done with HealthCube?

HC Data Doc portal hosts all your tests data securely planned in your logged in section.

Can I prescribe medicines and procedures on the basis of the test generated by the instrument

No. HealthCube devices are for screening and monitoring purposes only. Any further prescription is at the discretion of a registered medical practitioner/physician.

The Hub

What is HealthCube-SE/XL?

HealthCube-SE/XL are multi-parametric point of care devices that are intended for screening and monitoring different health conditions. Results are generated instantly and saved electronically. It helps in deciding the direction of further laboratory tests and medical examinations.

How much it costs?

HealthCube offers a series of POCT screening devices offering different tests. Please contact us at or give us a call 1800 121 0406 to know more details.

Where can I see the working device and the different tests it offers?

We would be more than happy to provide a demo about our devices. Please contact us at or give us a call 1800 121 0406 to know more details.

How is HealthCube different from other POCT devices?

HealthCube is the only device that has all the following USPs in a single integrated device:

  • One platform, many tests: The HealthCube system can perform a 12-lead ECG and provide an interpretation, measure blood pressure, oxygen saturation, blood glucose, hemoglobin, total cholesterol and uric acid and also test for various infectious diseases such as malaria, typhoid, Hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, leptospirosis, chikungunya, all on a single platform.
  • AI based interpretation of results: Our RDT reader is based on an AI based algorithm for interpreting results.
  • Easy to perform: The blood tests are performed by simply pricking the finger, obviating the need for a phlebotomist.

Requires no electricity or internet: HealthCube works on a power bank and is ideally suited for health camps, door-to-door screening, and rural or tribal areas. Report generation does not require the internet.

Are the devices portable?

Yes, the HC-XL device weighs only 1.7 Kg and HealthCube provides a compact bag to carry the device and consumables. Please contact us at or give us a call 1800 121 0406 for more information.

Are there any prerequisites to use HealthCube devices?

To use HealthCube effectively you will need following:

  • The HealthCube device with a fully charged power bank or battery
  • A mobile/tablet (running on Android® 9.0 or higher) with the latest version of our application
  • A shaded place (vibration and electrical noise free) with temperature below 35°C.
  • Consumables for the tests intended.


What samples are required to conduct tests with HealthCube?

ly capillary blood (from finger prick) and urine samples are required to conduct tests.

How much blood is required to conduct tests?

The different tests require different units. However, mostly they range from 1-3 blood drops only (0.5 – 0.9 μL for POC tests to 40 μL for Lipid profile and other rapid tests).

What are the different types of tests HC-XL/SE devices can do?

All tests done by HC-XL/SE devices are classified into three categories:

  • Vital tests : Blood pressure, Pulse Oximetry, Body Temperature and ECG
  • Biochemistry tests : Blood Glucose, Blood Uric Acid, Blood Cholesterol, Blood Haemoglobin, Urine test
  • Rapid Diagnostics tests : Dengue, Malaria, Typhoid, Troponin I, Pregnancy, etc
Will you be adding more tests and procedures to the list of tests?

Yes, HealthCube will continue to expand the test menu. The clients will be updated with any new tests being included to the list.

Peripherals, Consumables and Accessories

What happens when my consumables are exhausted?

HealthCube is a closed system and only manufacturer-provided consumables are to be used with the devices. Please call us at or give us a call 1800 121 0406 us with a list of your requirements and we will get in touch with you ASAP and will ship it to you at the earliest.

Can I use consumables and accessories available in the market with HealthCube?

No. We highly recommend using accessories and consumables provided by HealthCubed only. Using any other accessory or consumable available in the market may damage the instrument and or give incorrect results.


Are the devices approved by the regulatory bodies?

Yes, the HC device (HC-XL/SE) has been approved by DCGI/CDSCO which comes under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, India. This device also has a CE certification from TUV-SUD. HealthCubed India Pvt. Ltd. is also an ISO-13485 certified company.

What is the category of HC-XL & HC-SE devices?

They are medical devices, specifically called IVD (In-vitro diagnostic) devices approved by DCGI/CDSCO. Specifically, HCXL and HCSE are Class C IVD devices. Class C is classified as a moderate high risk device. HCXL and HCSE are multi-parametric point of care devices.

Is there a term and conditions w.r.t to regulatory?

Yes, HC-XL and HC-SE devices can be sold and used ONLY in India and Europe. To sell in other countries, please contact the regulatory division of HealthCube to know about the regulatory status and approvals available. Such conditions shall be captured in the future invoice. Indian distributors must hold a valid license. European Distributors must have an agreement with HealthCube.

Can HC-XL & HC-SE be sold to a layman/individual ? If not, why?

HC-XL and HC-SE are professional use devices. They are NOT meant to be a home care device or self testing device. Hence, they can’t be sold to individuals and to be sold only to authorized dealers or physician(s) or clinics/hospitals.


Can I repair the HealthCube device myself? What if my instrument needs any repair?

No, you should not open the HealthCube device yourself. We always insist on using HealthCube devices with utmost care. However, repair and damages are sometimes unavoidable. We request you to email us at with complete details, pictures, videos and someone from customer care will contact you.

What if I spill water or any liquid on the instrument?

Immediately stop using the instrument and disconnect all connections with it. Call or email at as soon as possible for proper resolution.

What to do if HealthCube SE/XL is not switching on or is turning off randomly.

The power bank may have run out of charge or there may be a loose connection. Ensure that  the power bank is fully charged and correctly connected before restarting.

Note: Please use the power bank provided by HealthCube to operate the HealthCube SE/XL.

To perform the Blood Pressure test, the power bank battery should have more than 50% charge.

How can I check if all the modules are functioning correctly?

You can click on the “Information” (“i”) symbol in the application and initiate an introspection check to verify if all modules are working correctly. The working status of all the modules will show a “green tick”. If the working status shows “Caution Symbol”, restart the device and redo the introspection test as per the instructions.

I am unable to pair HealthCube SE/XL with the Android device (Tablet/Mobile)

Try restarting the HealthCube device and re-establish the connection. Try switching off and switching on the Bluetooth of the Android tablet/mobile and reconnecting as well. Also check the paired device list on the android device and make sure that the list is not saturated with already paired devices.

I am unable to install the EzDx application or the application crashed

This could happen if the android device (tablet/mobile is working on an older version of android. Please upgrade it to Android® 9.0 or above and ensure that the minimum internal storage capacity is 2 GB RAM. If the issue persists, please contact the customer excellence team.

Common Do’s and Don’ts

  • Follow the instructions from the user manual and the training provided to operate the devices
  • Always use gloves while conducting tests
  • Correct resting positions of arms are important for accurate results of blood pressure and oxygen saturation.
  • Repeat the test in-case if you are ambiguous.
  • Ensure all consumables are kept in advised storage conditions for best results
  • Update the mobile application with the latest version periodically.
  • Maintain utmost level of hygiene

Keep all the accessories in the HealthCube bag for easy operations.

  • Do not expose the HealthCube devices to direct sunlight
  • Do not store the consumables in moist and damp places
  • Do not share your login credentials with anyone
  • Do not share the  test results/reports with anyone except the patient/guardian/doctor
  • Do not leave any columns while registering in the ExDx app.
  • Do not keep any items on top of the HealthCube devices.
  • Do not prescribe any drug or procedures on the basis of the results from the HealthCube device.
  • Do not open  HealthCube devices by yourself; it can damage the unit permanently. Only HealthCube is authorized to service/repair the devices.
  • Do not expose the instrument, accessories and its consumables to dust, water, excessive heat etc
  • Do not use any other consumable or accessory devices other than recommended by HealthCubed. It can permanently damage the instrument and or give incorrect results.
  • If a patient has an implanted pacemaker, implanted cardioverter-defibrillator, please consult with a physician before performing ECG.
  • After taking the strip from the container, the lid has to be closed immediately.
  • Inserting the probes, stips etc in unauthorized slots can cause damage.

Humid, high or very low temperature and inappropriate storage conditions for the HealthCube device and consumables can affect result accuracy.
